This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well. Your Own Image, File and Document Hosting and Sharing Service.
Now You Can Build An Online Image And File Hosting Service. People can Store, Back-up and Share Images, Files and Documents with their co-workers, friends and family with any web browser.
What can this script be used for?
* Start your own Image and file hosting site * Fast and easy image and file uploading.
* Edit file names and descriptions.
* Short and simple image and file URLs.
* Edit and delete the images and files you have uploaded.
* Create and share picture galleries.
* Create downloadable URLs for digital files.
Who Needs This Service?
People Use Hosted Images/Photos and Files for:
* Ebay auctions and other auction sites
* Adding images to your forum posts
* Images for your blog (Blog Photo Hosting)
* Create photo albums and share with family and friends or with work colleagues
* Personal online photo galleries images for your MySpace account
* Different formatted files can be uploaded like ZIP, EXE, PDF, music and videos
* Store backup copies of important files and documents off-site
* Backup your laptop while traveling
* Access your files from anywhere in the world
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